Aboriginal Education

Weytkp! Hello
Welcome to the Logan Lake Schools' Aboriginal Program Web page!

Logan Lake Elem-Sec School Our First Nations Support Worker for both Logan Lake Schools, is Ms. Bauerochse. She is keen to engage students in a great experience of aboriginal learning and enjoyment each year. 

NEW- Attention Metis Families!
Registration Guide to obtain official Metis Status is available here to view.  http://www.metisnation.ca

Kamloops School District No. 73 is located within the traditional territory of the Secwepemc people and includes the seven Secwepemc First Nations Bands:

  • Tk’emlups te Secwepemc
  • Whispering Pines/Clinton Indian Band
  • Skeetchestn Indian Band
  • Simpcw First Nation
  • Adams Lake Indian Band
  • Little Shuswap Lake Indian Band
  • Neskonlith Indian Band

The District provides educational services to a diverse multicultural population of approximately 14,500 students, approximately 15 per cent of which are of Aboriginal ancestry. The Aboriginal student population in the District continues to increase.

The District and representatives of participating First Nations Bands work in partnership to ensure that a Local Education Agreement (LEA) is implemented, monitored, revised as necessary. The committee also makes recommendations or decisions regarding programs and supports for students living on-reserve.

Enhancement Funds are provided to the District to support all self-identified Aboriginal students of First Nations, Inuit and Métis ancestry in the areas of achievement, language and culture. The Aboriginal Education Council and the District work collaboratively to ensure that the expenditure of targeted funds is in line with the criteria set out by the Aboriginal Education Enhancements Branch, Ministry of Education.

PDF on Acknowledging Tradional Territory


Acknowledging the territory is performed at any important function such as a school assembly, awards night, graduation, a celebration including Aboriginal communities, etc. It may also be performed prior to an important meeting or presentation.  Acknowledging the territory is a way of honouring and showing respect for a group of people who have been living and working on this land from time immemorial. A “Welcome” to the territory is only offered by the First Nations people who are traditionally from the territory. Visitors, including everyone who is not a member of the traditional First Nation, would “acknowledge” the territory.

  Handbook for Parents of Aboriginal Students in SD73

School District No. 73 - District Principal for Aboriginal Education is Mr. Mike Bowden. He can be reached at: 250-376-2266


Community Services

Lii Michif Otipemisiwak- Kamloops
Metis Family Services & Cultural Engagement


PH. 888-554-9486  toll free
Lii Michif Otipemisiwak- Merritt
#2-2025 Granite Ave.
PH. 250-378-4866
White Buffalo Community Services- Kamloops
Aboriginal & Metis Health Society
PH. 250-554-1176

Aboriginal Friendship Centre- Kamloops
119 Palm St. Kamloops, BC
PH. 250-376-2275
Conayt Friendship Centre- Merritt
2164 Quilchena Ave, Merritt, BC
PH.  250-378-5107

Scw'exmx Child & Family Services- Merritt
85 Hwy 8 Merritt, B.C.
Ph. 250-378-2771

Contact Us