Community Consultation 

Dear Logan Lake Parents and Staff:

Thank you to everyone for sharing your feedback over the past two months of community consultation about the potential for having Grades 5 and 6 students attend the elementary school for 2025-2026. 

Following parent and staff meetings, surveys, and webinars in October and November 2024, a focus group of Logan Lake parents and staff met to review the consultation results and decided on a recommendation to the Board. 

At the December 9, 2024 Regular Public Board Meeting, the Board of Education supported the recommendation from the focus group and approved a phased-in grade reconfiguration for the current Grade 4 students to stay for Grade 5 in Logan Lake Elementary School in 2025-2026 and stay in Logan Lake Elementary School for their Grade 6 year in 2026-2027, pending the budget to manage these changes.

Please explore below to review this community engagement process, including FAQs, survey results, and the timeline of consultation.

In October 2024, we received questions from Logan Lake parents about whether to have Grade 5 and 6 students move to the elementary school for the 2024-2025 school year. For more information, read the letter sent to parents and staff on October 21, 2024 here

On October 23, 2024, Logan Lake parents and staff attended a webinar to learn more and ask questions. Watch the webinar recording here:

Following the initial parents survey (October 23-26), survey results were shared with parents and staff on November 5, 2024 – read the letter with survey results here.

Throughout the consultation process, parents asked to know what staff most preferred. Staff were invited to share their thoughts in a survey from November 5-8, 2024 and the staff survey results were shared on November 12, 2024 – read the letter with survey results here.

Following the staff survey, parents and caregivers of Logan Lake students were invited to share their final thoughts by completing a second survey (November 12-15, 2024). Consultation results were presented to the Board of Education at the In-Camera Board Meeting on November 18, 2024. The results of the final parent survey were shared with staff and parents on November 19, 2024 – read the letter with survey results here.

Considering this decision directly affected Grade 5 students, Principal Collins reached out to al Grade 5 parents directly on  November 19-20, 2024, to gather their feedback on the potential grade reconfiguration recommendations. 63% of Grade 5 parents preferred a phased-in approach, 33% wanted to have their children go back to the elementary school for the Fall of 2025, and one parent was good with either approach.

On November 28, 2024, a focus group of Logan Lake parents and staff met to review the consultation results and decided on a recommendation to the Board. Based on their discussion, the focus group recommended that: The Board approve a phased in grade reconfiguration for the current Grade 4 students to stay for Grade 5 in Logan Lake Elementary School in 2025-2026 and stay in Logan Lake Elementary School for their Grade 6 year in 2026-2027, pending the budget to manage these changes. 

Explore the Frequently Asked Questions and Answers here.

If you have further question or comments, please email Feedback.

Timeline of Community Consultation:

  • October 16, 2024: Focus group consultation about concerns raised.
  • October 21, 2024: Feedback shared with the Board.
  • October 21, 2024: Emailed parents and staff the webinar information.
  • October 23, 2024: Logan Lake staff meeting consultation.
  • October 23, 2024: Webinar consultation with parents and staff.
  • October 23-26, 2024: Survey responses collected.
  • November 4, 2024: In-Camera Board Meeting to review feedback.
  • November 5, 2024: Sent feedback themes and Q&A to all parents and staff.
  • November 5-8, 2024: Staff survey (at the request of parents to understand staff perspectives).
  • November 12-15, 2024: Shared results of staff survey and provided parents with an opportunity to do the same survey. 
  • November 19-20, 2024: Grade 5 parents contacted by Principal Collins. 
  • November 18: In-Camera Board meeting to review feedback.
  • November 28, 2024: Focus group reviewed feedback and made a recommendation to the Board.
  • December 9, 2024: Board reviewed the recommendation and approved.
  • December 10, 2024: Communication of the Board’s decision to Logan Lake Parents and Staff.
  • January 2025: Plans to follow up on suggestions that came from consultation (e.g., peer leadership).

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